Looking for composers/sound designers for custom scoring game music library

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Looking for composers/sound designers for custom scoring game music library

Post by Jaap »

Hi folks!

I am in the process of starting a new music production company with a focus on the game audio market (direct licensing and custom scoring on briefs) and I am looking for composers, sound designers and if any, some folks with experience in audio implementation via fmod/wwise and the likes.

I am not looking yet for tracks to be submitted, but this will be to be included in a mailing list for projects where you can submit to.

This is a company yet in the startup phase and the aim is to have a good amount of projects running towards the end of the year. I am looking for some folks who are willing to take the first step with me (and I have a few already in the roster).

If you are interested, please submit a small demo reel on soundcloud with 3 - 5 tracks that showcase your strong points.
I am looking for a wide area of skills, so if you are for example good in composing New Age EDM Freestyle Jazz, please submit ;)

You can contact me at info@jaapvisser.com and if you have any questions etc, let me know here or via the mail!



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Re: Looking for composers/sound designers for custom scoring game music library

Post by gtrwll »

I almost feel sorry for you for the shitloads of submissions you'll probably get, but I think I'll add to the pile myself :D

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Re: Looking for composers/sound designers for custom scoring game music library

Post by Jaap »

Haha, no it is not bad at all. And I thought a bit about it to post it public (well here and on the other one), but there is some nice talent out there who I don't know and it is nice to see who is willing to take the first steps. I know that kind of things is always a step, though I want to make sure people don't have to invest much with submitting etc before some balls get rolling.
Looking forward to see your stuff added to the pile ;)

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Re: Looking for composers/sound designers for custom scoring game music library

Post by Jaap »

Thanks everyone so far for some great replies and responces and I didn't get back to everyone yet, but I will do after the weekend :)

Here some more info (and this is a copy/paste text)


Hey everyone,

Posting here a few more details based on some (good) questions.

Company: Raven Music Group
It is a starting company, meaning that I cannot promise yet that it will be smooth ride from the beginning. I have prepped already for some time the setup and ready to launch in the upcomming months.
Why am I scouting now? I want to be sure I have a nice roster of composers, sound designers and music available when I reach out to clients.
My main focus is on the game industry. This is where I worked for a few years with my old company 3 Peak Audio and I have good contacts in this industry.

The aim is to be a mix of music library and custom scoring production company. Clients can license music directly from the available catalogue. The other option is they post there current project and needs and we will make sure we put the right people on it. This can go for custom music, sound design, adaptive audio (working on system for licensing packages of adaptive audio blocks, more info later), voice over and help with audio implementation.

How about the payments:

I want Raven Music Group to be available for every type of project. From small indie devs to established game companies. Meaning the budgets will vary from small to good.

Splitting of the fees:
For licensed music the normal way: 50/50 (composer/ravenmusic)
Custom scoring music only: 65/35 (composer/ravenmusic)
Full project or providing service in a work for hire setting: 75/25 (composer(s)/sound desingers - ravenmusic)

If you score a custom track or work on a full project, you will receive your own credits

Exclusive/non exclusive

You can submit tracks for licensing exclusive and non exclusive. Exclusive tracks can be withdrawn from the library after 2 years of no use. Non exclusive tracks have to stay in the library for 1 year minimum.

If you submit music for a custom score/project it will be exclusive. If your music gets not selected/used in the end, I will give the option to or submit it to the library or opt-out and you can use it for something else.

Other type of projects:

As said, main focus will be the game industry, but as I worked also already for many years as library music composer I established my connections there also and will of course not exclude any other licensing or scoring options.
The game trailer market is also on the rise and that is an area I want to dive into as well.

What do I expect:

I don't want to put the pressure on the composers joining Raven Music by submitting tons of music while things are unsure yet on how the ball will be rolling. This is something that annoys me myself as well when joining a library. You put in a great amount of time writing exclusive tracks without seeing anything in return.
I hope some will of course submit some tracks that are available for licensing when launching, but the main thing I want it to have a roster of people available when I can sent projects around via a mailing list and people can hop in to apply for that.

Furthermore the usual things like contracts need be signed, you will need to be established with a PRO.

Also I am working on a job board where clients can post there projects and probably will use tools like Trello or something when a project is active and we can create a workenvironment per project.

So far some extra info!



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Re: Looking for composers/sound designers for custom scoring game music library

Post by vocalnick »

Hey man,

I probably won't submit for this (I'm not really a gaming guy), but as it happens I'm in the early stages of putting together a little library/scoring service to service a different niche where I have some experience & contacts.

Would you mind if I dropped you a line and we could compare notes at some stage on the back-end/setup stuff?
Nick Storr - composer, sound designer, whatnot...

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Re: Looking for composers/sound designers for custom scoring game music library

Post by Jaap »

Hey Nick,

Yeah will sent you a message :)



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Re: Looking for composers/sound designers for custom scoring game music library

Post by Lawrence »

I wanna write for both of you when I get time.
Now you've done it! ;)

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Re: Looking for composers/sound designers for custom scoring game music library

Post by Jaap »

Lawrence wrote:I wanna write for both of you when I get time.
Now you've done it! ;)
Make time :D always welcome on board Larry!

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Re: Looking for composers/sound designers for custom scoring game music library

Post by vocalnick »

I may hold you to that Larry ;)
Nick Storr - composer, sound designer, whatnot...

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Re: Looking for composers/sound designers for custom scoring game music library

Post by byzantium »

Best of luck with your respective ventures Jaap & Nick.
(I would be very interested but wouldn't be available till next spring/summer!)

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Re: Looking for composers/sound designers for custom scoring game music library

Post by KyleJudkins »

I nearly forgot all about this, how's the library going Jaap?

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