WANTED - Looking for a collaborator to write a trailer piece for a library

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Valérie Delaney
Posts: 91
Joined: Aug 14, 2015 3:26 pm

WANTED - Looking for a collaborator to write a trailer piece for a library

Post by Valérie Delaney »

Hello All,

If anybody writes efficient trailers and would love to collaborate for a track this year, please write me at valamadeus@hotmail.com with a link or 2 of what you do.

Here is an example of a track I just did with Jaap Visser :

Here is a piece I created with Aleksandar Dimitrijevic :

I will reply to everybody,


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Re: WANTED - Looking for a collaborator to write a trailer piece for a library

Post by KyleJudkins »

While I'm not particularly up for anything - I did think it would be nice to know what your particular strengths/input would be - and what you're looking for in a collab.

It looks like based on the second track you're a pianist? Working with Jaap must have been fun... my brain's not wired for hybrid - but it's definitely interesting to see.

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