Arturia V Collection 9

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Piet De Ridder
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Re: Arturia V Collection 9

Post by Piet De Ridder »

None of the reasons I can think of, Bill, have anything to do with collection itself, which is very good, but everything with how much time and attention one is able or prepared to give it. I only mention this because I have to confess that there are occasions when I don’t give a newly purchased product all the time and study it deserves/requires, and then buy something else which, if I’m honest, I probably wouldn’t have bought if I only spent enough time getting to know, thoroughly, what I already have.

I’ve had V9 on my computer for quite a while now, and there are still synths in there which I haven’t opened. And yet, I bought still other software synths — from GForce, Cherry Audio and u-He — since then. I really should stop doing that.


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Re: Arturia V Collection 9

Post by wst3 »

Never stop - your reviews, and hints are priceless.

That said, I played around with the three demos again last night, putting most of my time into the SQ-80 because, well, the ESQm was probably the last hardware synthesizer I really enjoyed programming, and the SQ-80 plugin brought a lot of that fun back for me. For half the price of the single plugin I get a few more toys to play with. What's not to like.

The Emu II does a very nice job, it has been a while since I used the hardware, but they definitely got the vibe right. It doesn't appear that you can import "real" Emu II samples, which makes sense I guess. Same goes for importing patches from my ESQ-m, but they architecture is simple enough that keying them in works, and there is always that chance for a serendipitous discovery.

All of which is to say I'm in!

As for the time/attention thing - I share your pain, although I tend to spend a great deal of time with new toys when I first get them, but then get distracted. I must say that your taste remains impeccilbe - I have most of the instruments form GForce, Cherry, and u-He. And I will probably get the Synthstack 3 for the same reason as V9, for the price of the instruments I am interested in I get a few more. Maybe not the soundest decision point, but hey, I'm just a flighty guitar player!!

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